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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Miko?aj Knaflewski” ,找到相关结果约1349条。
Effect of Temperature on the Yield and Quality of Broccoli Heads
Alina Ka u ewicz, W odzimierz Krzesiński, Miko aj Knaflewski
Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin , 2009, DOI: 10.2478/v10032-009-0026-7
Abstract: The effect of temperature on the yield and quality of broccoli heads was determined. The study involved three cultivars: Cruiser, Skiff and Fiesta. The seedlings were planted on five different dates in 1995 and 1996, nine in 1997 and eight in 1998. The length of time from planting to the first harvest for all the 27 cultivation periods was divided into three equal parts determining in this way three phases of growth. The time of harvest was defined as the fourth phase. Temperatures on a scale from 0°C to 40°C were divided into five-degree ranges. Then, for the four growth phases, correlations were determined between the number of hours at a temperature in the five-degree ranges and the total yield, the percentage of loose heads and the percentages of heads with uneven surface or non-uniform buds. The length of time at a temperature in the range of 15-25°C during the first growth phase after planting and the phase preceding harvest had the greatest influence on total yield. Longer times at temperatures above 20°C contributed to smaller yields. The longer was the length of time at a temperature ranging from 20 to 25°C during the phase preceding harvest and at a temperature ranging from 5 to 15°C during harvest, the lower the percentage of heads with uneven surface was observed. Longer periods with temperatures above 20°C at harvest time contributed to the loosening of heads.
Effect of devernalization on the transition from vegetative to prefloral phase of the broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica cv. 'Fiesta') shoot meristem
El?bieta Zenkteler,S?awomir Samardakiewicz,Alina Ka?u?ewicz,Mikoaj Knaflewski
Acta Agrobotanica , 2012, DOI: 10.5586/aa.2012.040
Abstract: The morphological and histological changes which occur in the cold-induced apical meristem of broccoli (B. oleracea var. italica cv. ‘Fiesta’) during transition from the vegetative to the generative phase have been demonstrated in our previous investigations. Now, a light microscopic study on the micromorphological parameters of the tunica and corpus of the meristem was undertaken to ascertain their association with devernalisation. Changes in the apex of broccoli seedlings grown for 26 days at 24oC, succeeded by 35 days of cold treatment (16oC - vernalization) followed by 14 days of warm treatment (24oC - devernalization), were studied and described. Microscopic analysis according to the new method of slide preparation showed cytohistological zonation and the spatial distribution of cells in the central and peripheral zones of the broccoli shoot meristem more precisely than possible hitherto. Comparison between subsequent stages of meristem reorganization after devernalization revealed variation in the structure of the apex during its transition to the evocation phase of flowering. The results of measurements show that the tunica width changes irregularly, increasing from its minimum value (112.39±5.78 μm) through the medium one to the maximum values (260.32±2.50), to decrease again, while its height increased and decreased sinusoidally from its minimum value (21.52±4.30μm) to the maximum one (76.98±7.44μm) and then decreasing again to the minimum value (21.52±4.30). The stratification of the tunica as well as its width and height revealed relatively low variation within the analyzed time. These structural traits correlated with cold/warm treatments may be further utilized in the broccoli breeding programme against developmental disturbances.
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) head initiation under field conditions
Alina Ka?u?ewicz,W?odzimierz Krzesiński,Mikoaj Knaflewski,Jolanta Lisiecka
Acta Agrobotanica , 2012, DOI: 10.5586/aa.2012.062
Abstract: A two–year study on the influence of temperature on broccoli head initiation was carried out at the ''Marcelin'' experimental station of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. In each year of the study, plants were planted in the field at four dates. The evaluation of the developmental phase of the broccoli shoot apex was based on the analysis of microscope slides. The date of head initiation was assumed as the day on which the first of the examined apices were found to be at the early generative phase. The plant characteristics (number of leaves, leaf area and stem diameter) on the date of initiation were also determined. Variation in length of the period from planting to head initiation was found both between dates of planting and between experimental years. The shortest period from planting to initiation was when the plants were planted in April and June (17-18 days) in the first year and the longest one for planting in April in the first year of the study (29 days). The length of the period from planting to head initiation depended on mean daily air temperature. The higher the temperature was, the shorter was the period.
Carleman Linearization and Systems of Arbitrary Depth Polynomial Recursions  [PDF]
Mikoaj Myszkowski
Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory (ALAMT) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2022.121001
Abstract: New approach to systems of polynomial recursions is developed based on the Carleman linearization procedure. The article is divided into two main sections: firstly, we focus on the case of uni-variable depth-one polynomial recurrences. Subsequently, the systems of depth-one polynomial recurrence relations are discussed. The corresponding transition matrix is constructed and upper triangularized. Furthermore, the powers of the transition matrix are calculated using the back substitution procedure. The explicit expression for a solution to a broad family of recurrence relations is obtained. We investigate to which recurrences the framework can be applied and construct sufficient conditions for the method to work. It is shown how introduction of auxiliary variables can be used to reduce arbitrary depth systems to the depth-one system of recurrences dealt with earlier. Finally, the limitations of the method are discussed, outlining possible directions for future research.
Wykorzystanie testów oddechowych do oceny czynno ci w troby
Mikoaj Danko
Pediatria Wspó?czesna , 2007,
Abstract: Od oko o 30 lat badana jest skuteczno testów oddechowych, z u yciem znakowanych izotopami w gla 13C lub 14C substancji, do oceny czynno ci w troby. W ród wykorzystywanych zwi zków, jak do tej pory, nie uda o si znale idealnego substratu dla metabolizmu w troby, na podstawie przemiany którego, mo na by wprost wnioskowa o funkcji ca ego organu. Dotychczas prowadzone badania wykaza y dobr korelacj wyników testów oddechowych wykorzystuj cych aminopiryn (Aminopyrine Breath Test - ABT) czy metacetyn (Metha-cetin Breath Test - MBT) ze skal Childe'a-Pugh oceny niewydolno ci w troby. Zauwa ono równie , e testy oddechowe mog by przydatne w ocenie funkcji narz du przeszczepionego we wczesnym okresie po operacji. Tak e zaburzenia czynno ci w troby spowodowane farmakologicznymi dawkami, np. kwasu acetylosalicylowego, mog by wykrywane dzi ki testom oddechowym. Niestety du o czynników zewn trznych ma wp yw na wyniki tych testów, co mo e utrudnia ich w a ciw interpretacj .
A note on condensations of function spaces onto $σ$-compact and analytic spaces
Mikoaj Krupski
Mathematics , 2013,
Abstract: Modifying a construction of W. Marciszewski we prove (in ZFC) that there exists a subspace of the real line $\mathbb{R}$, such that the realcompact space $C_p(X)$ of continuous real-valued functions on $X$ with the pointwise convergence topology does not admit a continuous bijection onto a $\sigma$-compact space. This answers a question of Arhangel'skii.
Topological dimension of a space is determined by the pointwise topology of its function space
Mikoaj Krupski
Mathematics , 2014,
Abstract: This paper has been withdrawn by the author
On the weak and pointwise topologies in function spaces
Mikoaj Krupski
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: For a compact space $K$ we denote by $C_w(K)$ ($C_p(K)$) the space of continuous real-valued functions on $K$ endowed with the weak (pointwise) topology. In this paper we address the following basic question which seems to be open: Suppose that $K$ is an infinite (metrizable) compact space. Is it true that $C_w(K)$ and $C_p(K)$ are homeomorphic? We show that the answer is "no", provided $K$ is an infinite compact metrizable $C$-space. In particular our proof works for any infinite compact metrizable finite-dimemsional space $K$.
Recognisable languages over monads
Mikoaj Bojańczyk
Computer Science , 2015,
Abstract: The principle behind algebraic language theory for various kinds of structures, such as words or trees, is to use a compositional function from the structures into a finite set. To talk about compositionality, one needs some way of composing structures into bigger structures. It so happens that category theory has an abstract concept for this, namely a monad. The goal of this paper is to propose monads as a unifying framework for discussing existing algebras and designing new algebras.
Weak MSO+U with Path Quantifiers over Infinite Trees
Mikoaj Bojańczyk
Computer Science , 2014,
Abstract: This paper shows that over infinite trees, satisfiability is decidable for weak monadic second-order logic extended by the unbounding quantifier U and quantification over infinite paths. The proof is by reduction to emptiness for a certain automaton model, while emptiness for the automaton model is decided using profinite trees.

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